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I support The Sprawl because I am passionate about independent, competent, trustworthy journalism in these cynical times!
I'm proud to support The Sprawl for its honest, in-depth, and well-written take on local stories. Please support independent journalism which promotes thoughtful conversation!
I support The Sprawl because it offers a balance between what I am curious about, what I want to understand, and what I had no idea about—but am happy to learn!
In the face of news conglomeration, "if it bleeds, it leads" sensationalism, clickbait and polarization of the news, this is a breath of fresh air. That’s why I support The Sprawl.
The Sprawl straps on the ropes, helmets, headlamps and—most importantly—the walkie-talkies, and digs deep into the issues facing our city in ways that other media only scratches the surface of. In five short years they've become essential reading.